Motor Glider PUBG - All You Need To Know About It

Publish date: 2024-07-25

Motor glider PUBG is a new feature that was recently added to the game. It was the first flying vehicle ever in PUBG, add more fun and a new layer of complexity to the game. The Motor Glider was brought to PUBG Labs at first. After receiving a tremendous amount of positive feedback from players, it was added to Live Servers on January 14. The Motor Glider actually appeared in Rule of Survival, a battle royale game on mobile, before.

Here is everything you need to know about how to use it, where to find it the game, and all the tips and tricks so you can make the best use of it.

About The Motor Glider PUBG

The Motor Glider appears only on Erangel and Mirana. There is a total of 10 Motor Gliders each match, showing randomly on 40 different locations across the two maps. Here are all the PUBG Motor Glider spawn spots.

As you can see in the 2 above pictures, the places where you can most likely get a Motor Glider are Mylta Power, Military Base on Erangel and Campo Militar, Prison on Miramar.

For balance purposes, the devs have made some changes to the Motor Glider when it arrived Live Servers. The Motor Gilder won't have any fuel when it spawns. That means you can't just run to them and fly away right at the start of the game. You will need to loot for items and first and be more watch out as you approach a Motor Glider.

The Motor Glider can carry up to 2 players. The player in the back seat can use items and weapons freely.

Considering the ability of the Motor Glider, it seems to be most effective during the early game and mid-game.

How To Fly The Motor Glider PUBG

Since the Motor Glider allows players to fly, which has never been possible in PUBG, controlling it might be a little bit confusing for some players. With common vehicles in PUBG such as cars or boats, you only need to use the direction buttons, which is super simple. With the PUBG Motor Glider, here are some things you need to know to make it running:

Tips And Tricks For The Motor Glider PUBG
