McU Sports donates 1,000 pairs of socks to Boise Rescue Mission
BOISE, Idaho (CBS2) — McU Sports partnered with Mix106 and the Boise Rescue Missin to find 1,000 pairs of socks in just under a month.
They held a "gigantic" warm winter sock drive called #Buy1Get1Give1, according to BRM.
"We appreciate the effort by McU Sports to provide warm socks for the people we serve at the Rescue Mission. Sadly, many of our guests, even children, come to us without warm clothing. These socks are a wonderful way to say, “We care!” McU’s employees and customers are great examples of this community’s compassion," said Rev. Roscoe, president and CEO of BRM.
If you bought a pair of socks, you would get a free pair and McU Sports would donate a pair of socks to the Boise Rescue Mission. The goal was met in 24 days.
McU Sports delivered the 1,000 pairs to the City Light Home for Women and Children Shelter on Monday.